Users Login


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Overview
  3. User Details
  4. Administrator Users
  5. Content Managed Website Users
  6. Trade Users
  7. Search Users Administration Centre Interface
  8. User Details Administration Centre Interface
  9. Dependent Configurations
  10. Recommendations

This document describes the different types of users that can exist within each project on the TOTECS platform. A user within a project interacts with interfaces created within the platform, and is typically controlled by a person is the real world.


Please ensure that you have read and understand the following topic links before reading on.


Within each TOTECS project any number of users can be created. Each user can represent a person in the real physical world, or multiple people could be logged into a project as the same user at the same time. For each user there are a number of pieces of data that can be set to describe them, such as contact name or Email address.

Each user must have a unique Login ID within a TOTECS project. Additionally each user has a password set that allows the user to login to a project a verify that they are who they say they are.

A user can be set as one of two different User Types, these are either Administrator Users, or normal Users. Users who are marked as administrators have access to the Administration Centre of a TOTECS project which allows them to configure the project and view its assets. Normal users can either login to a project's Trade interface, or into any content managed websites created within the project. To view more information about the different users, view the sections below.

User Details

Below are all of the fields of data that can be set for a user

User Field Description
Login ID Unique Identififer of the user that allows them to login into the TOTECS project. This field can also be called the username.
Password Password that allows the user to authenticate themselves when logging into a TOTECS project.
User Type Either 'Administrator' or 'User'. If set to the Administrator then the user can only log into the Administration Centre and modify aspects of the project. If set to User then the user can log into the project's Trade intrface or any content managed websites as chosen based on the Interface setting below.
Interface Either "Content Managed Website", or "Trade". If set to Content Managed Website then the user can log into any content managed web site within the TOTECS project. If set to Trade then the user will be logged into the project's Trade interface.
Account Code The identifier of the customer account assigned to the user. The customer account controls the products, and pricing that the user will set. It also controls the account that orders will be placed against. The customer accounts are typically imported into a project, and are also known as Debtors, Customer Cards, Business Partners, Customers in other business sytems.
Email Address Email address of the user
Contact Name Name of the person to contact for this user.
Name 1 First name field. This name1 field is typically used for a user to set their given name.
Name 2 Second name field. This name2 field is typically used for a user to set their middle name.
Name 3 Third name field. This name3 field is typically used for a user to set their last name.
Display Name Name displayed to other users within a project. The display name allows users to set a different name to their real name if privacy is a concern.
Signature Text that the user can set to describe an aspect about them. In News/Blog areas this can be set to display with each of their posts.
Password Expired If set, then forces the user to change their password when they login.
Currency Set the currency that the user will view product pricing with by default.
Default Search Profile Set the default product search profile that the user can use within the Advanced Search within the Trade interface.
Temporary User If selected, the flag denotes that the user has not yet registered yet and any person can register with the same login ID and take over the user. This is typically used for Emarketing purposes where a list of Email addresses is imported into a project and users are created with the Email address as their login ID. These users can then be sent marketing and have statistics tracked.
By setting users as temporary it still allows the person associated wtih the Email address to register.
Sales Representative User If selected, it denotes that the user is a sales reprentative. Users marked as sales representatives are allowed extra permissions when the login to the Trade interface. Such permissions can allow them to create sales orders on behalf of other customer accounts, or set the pricing of products when adding to basket. View the Facility Permission Role to find out all the extra permissions this setting allows.
Sales Representative ID Set the sales reprentative ID, which denotes who the user is submitting orders with. The sales representative ID is also assigned to customer accounts, so this setting allows the user when flagged as a sales representative user to order on behalf of their assigned accounts (dependent on their facility role permissions).
Marketing Active If selected, then this denotes that the user is willing to accept Emarketing that is sent to them.

Administrator Users

If a user's User Type is set to Administrator, then the user is allowed to login into the Administration Centre of a TOTECS project. Administration users can set up different pieces of data within a TOTECS project, as well as monitor, and manage data that has been created by all other users, or systems.

Administrator users can only log into the Administration Centre, and not the Trade interface, or any content managed websites. They also cannot add products to basket, or create new orders. For a business that employs a person to look after TOTECS project, it is recommended that an administrator user, and a normal user is created for them within the TOTECS project.

Administrator users can be given access to different areas of the administration centre based on the Administration Permission Role, and Website Permission Role that is assigned to them. This means some administrator users could access all areas of the Administration Centre, where as other administrator users may only have access to one aspect. An example of this is that you may have a marketing person assigned to to administration user that can only access the Marketing menu within the Administration Centre, where as you may have a warehousing person who can access the Inventory menu, Stores menu, and the Statistics menu. How you configure this permission roles is up to you.

Please ensure that at least one user within a TOTECS project is set as Administrator user, and who has access to the User Permissions interface under the Users menu within the Administration Centre. This ensures that at least one person can manage the project.

Content Managed Website Users

If a user's type is set to User, and their Interface is set to Content Managed Website, then the user is allowed to log into any content managed web site. Once logged into the content managed web site they will be allowed to areas on the web sites pages marked as "private".

When these users logged in, they will be able to view products, and web page areas based on the Facility Permission role, and Inventory Permission role assigned to them. These users will be able to navigate through content managed web pages as set up by administrator users.

Guest User

By default when each TOTECS project is deployed a user with Login ID of "{GUEST}" will be created. This user is the default user that a person first visiting a content managed website will be assigned to. By setting the customer account, and inventory role against the guest user it allows the products, pricing and other aspects to be controlled when a public person first arrives at a content managed website.

On a content managed website the guest user will be used by many people, and each time they first visit the website a basket will be set up for them so that they can start adding products to basket without logging in first.

The guest user cannot be deleted from a TOTECS project, this ensures that a user visiting a content managed website is always assigned to permission roles, and a customer account.

Region Guest Users

If regions are created against a content managed website, then each region will have a guest user created. These region guest users contain the login ID {GUEST[region_name]}. Just like the {GUEST} user, you can set the details of these region guest users to control different aspects such as the currency for when public users navigate to a content managed websites from different geographic locations. 

Trade Users

If a user's type is set to User, and their Interface is set to Trade, then the user will be directed to the Trade interface of a TOTECS project. When these users logged in, they will be able to view products, and pages based on the Facility Permission role, and Inventory Permission role assigned to them. The pricing that the user will see for products will be based on their assigned customer account. The trade users can have the option to add products to basket, as well as create new orders. Typically these users are assigned to an organisation's existing customer base, since the Trade interface is tailored to workflows that allow orders to be created fast when the user knows what they are looking for.

Typically when customer accounts are imported into a TOTECS project, new users are created when a new customer account is imported. These users are typically assigned to the Trade interface. This can save time since the administrator does not need to create a new customer for each account, they just need to notify the customer of the Trade user's login ID and password.

Sales Representative Users

If a user's type is set to User, and their Interface is set to Trade, and they are marked as a Sales Representative user, then when the user logs in they will be directed to the Trade interface. Because they are marked as a sales representative user there will be extra Facility Role permissions enabled for the user, that if activated allow them to access extra functions within the Trade interface. One of the permissions allows them to access the My SalesRep page that allows them to view all the customer accounts assigned to them based on their Sales Representative ID. It also allows them to create orders on behlaf of a chosen account, as well as use of functions such as altering product pricing, creating contracts, applying discounts, viewing stock levels direct from a linked business system.

Search Users Administration Centre Interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Users menu, there is a menu item for the Search Users interface. The Search Users interface allows administrator users to do the following:

  • Search for, and display the users existing within a TOTECS project.
  • Export the found user data to a CSV spreadsheet file.
  • Delete a selected users from the project.
  • Assign selected number of users to a different customer account.
  • Navigate to the User Details interface to view all the details of a user, and modify their details.

There are two ways that users can be found within the interface, either through the Simple Search Form, or the Advance Search Form.

Simple Search Form

Within the Simple Search Form an administrator user can enter a search term to find users based on their Login ID, Account ID, Company Name, and Email address. Once any of these fields have been entered and the administrator user clicks the Find button then the platform will try and find users that have values matched to values entered into the search form. The platform will perform partial matches, so if in the Login ID the value "TOT" was entered, then the system will match users who's login ID equals "TOT", "TOTEC" and "TOTECS".

Once users have been found, the search table below the form will display the details of the found users. Click on the user's Login ID to open up a new browser window that displays the details of the user in the User Details interface.

Advance Search Form

The Advance Search Form allows administator users to find users based on predefined search rules. For example one rule allows users to be found who submitted orders in the last 90 days.

To use the Advance Search follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Search Users Administration Centre interface.
  2. Under the Advance Search for select an option from the Search Category.
  3. For the Search Rule select a rule to search with.
  4. Enter any values required for the Value1 and Value2 search fields (if applicable for the search rule). View the Final Search Rule to see how the users will be searched.
  5. Click the Find button.

The search table will list any users that match the Advance Search Form's search inputs. For specifying dates in the value fields please use the date format, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. An example would be 2016-05-30 17:55:33.

For users loaded into the search table click on the user's Login ID to open up a new browser window that displays the details of the user in the User Details interface.

User Export

Within the Search Users Administration Centre interface there is the ability to export user data, based on the users that were found using either search form. This allows administrator users to download user data into a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file that can be viewed within a spreadsheet application.

To export user data follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Search Users Administration Centre interface.
  2. Perform a simple of advance search to load users into the search table.
  3. Click on the Export button.
  4. In the Export User Data dialog select the user data fields that are to be exported.
  5. For the drop down labelled Export User Records, choose the range of user records that are to be exported. A maximum of 5000 user records can be exported in one CSV file.
  6. Click the Export button.

The web browser will then downloaded the export user CSV file, and may ask you where you wish to save the file on your computer.

Note that the columns names in the CSV are named in a way that allows the same CSV file to be imported back into the project using the User Text File Data Import, which is accessible from the Data menu, in the Data Imports interface. This allows administrators to export user data to a spreadsheet application where changes can be made to the data, then allows the administrator to apply those changes back into the project using the text file data import.

Delete Users

Within the Search Users Administration Centre interface there is the ability to delete user data, based on the users that were found using either search form.

To delete users follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Search Users Administration Centre interface.
  2. Perform a simple of advance search to load users into the search table.
  3. In the search table click on the checkbox against each user record to mark that the user will be deleted.
  4. Click on the Remove button.
  5. In the Remove Users confirmation dialog click on the Yes button.

The selected users will then be deleted from the project. Please note that the users will be deleted permanently and any data associated with the user will also be deleted, except for orders and payments.

User Details Administration Centre Interface

Within the Administration Centre, the User Details interface displays all the information about a single user. This interface is accessible from Search Users interface, as well as a number of other interfaces that display the details of a user, such as the Emedia Messaging interface.

The User Details interface allows the following:

  • Viewing the details of a user within a TOTECS project.
  • Updating the details of a user.
  • Deleting a user.
  • Viewing the customer account details based on the account associated with the user.
  • Viewing the addresses associated with the user.
  • Creating an address associated with the user.
  • Updating an address associated with the user.
  • Deleting an address associated with the user.

Update User Details

Within the User Details administration centre interface there is the ability for the user's details to be updated. The following details can be updated for the user:

  • Assigned Customer Account
  • Email Address
  • Contact Name
  • Name 1
  • Name 2
  • Name 3
  • Display Name
  • Signature
  • Password Expired
  • User Type
  • Interface
  • Currency
  • Default Search Profile
  • Temporary User
  • Is Sales Rresentative User
  • Sales Representative ID
  • Active Status
  • Receive Marketing
  • Assigned User Subscription Categories

In the interface once an administrator user has altered any of these details, they can click the Update button to save these details to the project.

Delete User

To delete the user within the interface an administrator user just needs to click the Delete button within the User Information section.

Create User Address

For an administrator user to create an address for another user they need to follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the User Details administration centre interface.
  2. Under the User Addresses section click on the Add New Address link.
  3. In the form displayed enter each of the fields for the address.
  4. Click on the Add Address button.

Once  the Add Address button is clicked the address will be saved to the user, and the address's name will be added to the Select Address drop down.

Update User Address

For an administrator user to update an address for another user they need to follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the User Details administration centre interface.
  2. Under the User Addresses section click on the Select Address drop down and choose the address to update.
  3. In the form displayed below the drop down alter the details of the existing address.
  4. Click on the Save button.

Once  the Save button is clicked the address will be updated for the user in the project.

Delete User Address

For an administrator user to delete an address for another user they need to follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the User Details administration centre interface.
  2. Under the User Addresses section click on the Select Address drop down and choose the address to update.
  3. Click on the Delete button.
  4. In the confirm dialog click on the OK button

Once  the OK button is clicked the address will be permanently deleted from the user and be no longer available to them when they are creating an order.

Dependent Configurations

  • For administrator users to be able to see either the Search Users or User Details Administration Centre interfaces, the user must be assigned to a Admin Permission Role with the "Users" permission set to Allow.
  • For administrator users to have the ability to modify, or delete users from within the Search Users and User Details Administration Centre interface, the user must be assigned to a Admin Permission Role with the "Modify Users" permission set to Allow.
  • For administrator users to have the ability to see the Export button, and export user data within the Product Search Administration Centre interface, the User Export Feature must be activated for the project, and the administrator user must be assigned to a Admin Permission Role with the "Export User Data" permission set to Allow.
  • For administrator users to have the ability to create, modify, or delete user addresses from within the Search Users and User Details Administration Centre interface, the user must be assigned to a Admin Permission Role with the "Modify Users" permission set to Allow.


  • When creating new users, set the Is Temporary field to Yes to allow the person associated with the user's Login ID/Email address to register themselves. By creating temporary users it allows EMarketing Emails to be sent out to unregistered people. and still allows them to register with their own Email address.
  • Set a user to being inactive if you do not wish to allow the user to login, and place orders.
  • For region guest users set their currency to the regiion's currency to allow guest users from the region to see product pricing in their local currency.
  • Use the signature field to display any information associated with the user if their information is being displayed in news/blog items, comments, or forums.