Product News Listing Content Managed Webpage Area Login


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Area Overview
  3. Area Formats
  4. Area Settings
  5. Dependent Configurations
  6. Recommendations

This document describes how a Product news Listing area works when being displayed on a content managed web page within the TOTECS platform. This area is used to display a list of products associated with a news/blog item.


Please ensure that you have read and understand the following topic links before reading on.

Area Overview

The Product News Listing area allows guests and/or logged-in users who can view a content managed web site to have the ability to view a list of products associated with a news/blog item. This area allows products to be promoted with a news/blog item, which can be used as a marketing tool for generating further sales.

The products displayed in the list are dependent on the user having permission to the view the product, as well as the product being active, and having valid pricing based on the user's assigned customer account.


Area Formats

The area contains the following formats:

Product Search Record

This format displays zero-to-many times within the area dependent on the number of products associated within the news/blog item. The format allows the details of one product to display.

Layout of Formats:

Product Search Record Format (displays 0-to-many times)

Area Settings

Below are the following settings that can be configured through the area's editor when modifying the area in the Web Page Editor, within the Administration Centre.

Setting Label Description
Allow Any News/Blog Group To Show Items: If selected, then the products associated with the news/blog item that is displayed in the area is determined on the web page URL containing the ID of the news/blog item. If  the ID is not in the URL then the area will not display any detail. If this setting is unticked then it allows admins to set the ID of  the news/blog item in the setting below.
News/Blog Item ID: Set the ID of the news/blog item that will have its associated products display in the area. This setting will only be editable if the above setting is unticked.

Dependent Configurations

  • In order for the products to display, the news/blog item associated with the products must have its ID set in the web page's URL, or the area is specifically configured to display for a set news/blog item.
  • Only products that are active, visible, assigned to category, for which the user has permission to view based on their assigned inventory permissions, and for which the product has valid pricing for, will be listed in the area. To check if a user can view the products, use the Product Diagnostics tool within the Administration Cenre, under the Inventory menu to check this.
  • Products can be assigned to a news/blog item by going into the Administration Centre, under the marketing menu in the News/Blog interface, find a news/blog item, then click on the Products button to see the dialog that allows you to add products to the news/blog item.


  • Place this area on a content managed web page with a News/Blog Item area to allow the user to view the details of the news/blog item, as well as the list of products associated with it.