Customer Account Detail Content Managed Webpage Area Login


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Area Overview
  3. Area Formats
  4. Area Settings
  5. Dependent Configurations
  6. Recomendations

This document describes how a Customer Account Detail area works when being displayed on a content managed web page within the TOTECS platform. This area is used to display customer account information that has been obtained in real time from an accounting or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

TOTECS Platform Map
Website Users
Trade Users
Admin Role Facility Role
Website Role Inventory Role


Data API



Inventory Users Online Store Websites Marketing Data Imports
Detail area



Please ensure that you have read and understand the following topic links before reading on.

Area Overview

The Customer Account Detail area displays details of a customer account that has been obtained in real time from an accounting/ERP system, by making a request through the Connector software that has been configured in the TOTECS project.

If the Connector is able to obtain the customer account data from the accounting/ERP system, it will then make each piece of account data available to be formatted in the way the Adminstrator user likes via the use of a format, and display the area within a tailored content managed web page.

If TOTECS is unable to connect to the configured project's connector, or the connector is unable to obtain the data from the accounting/ERP system, then a separate format can be tailored to display an error message back the user.

The kind of data that can be displayed in the area:

  • Business name or contact of the customer account
  • Balance of the customer account
  • Balance limit that the account is able to have up to in debt.
  • Payment Terms of the customer account.
  • On hold status of the customer account.

This information can be useful to display to users so that they are aware of the status of their account, and any actions that they need to take to keep their trading relationship alive and working.

The customer account chosen to display in the area is based on the account assigned to the logged in user. If the user is not logged in then the area will not output any data or try to make a request to obtain data from the connector.

Area Formats

The area contains the following formats:

Customer Account Detail

The format displays once within the area when the customer account data has been successfully obtained from the accounting/ERP system via the connector software. The format contains hooks available to display and position the customer account data.

Customer Account Detail Error Message

The format displays once within the area when the customer data could not be obtained. Use this format to display a meaningful mesage to the user to explain that the connection is down, the accounting/ERP system is under maintainence, or that their customer account does not exist or could not be found.

Area Settings

The area contains no configurable settings within its editor.

Dependent Configurations

In order for the the area to display the following configurations are required to be set up:

  • The user viewing the area must be assigned to a permission Facility Role that has the My Account permission set to Allow.
  • The user viewing the area must be logged in and assigned to the Content Managed Website interface.
  • The Connector software must be installed on a computer, and have an adaptor configured to connect to an accounting/ERP system that supports obtaining customer account data.
  • The TOTECS project must have the Connector settings configured to be able to make connections to the Connector software, and the configured adaptor.


  • Create the area on secured content managed web page to ensure that the account data being returned to the user's browser cannot be intercepted, viewed, or stored by external third parties.
  • Make sure that Connector software installed is up to date with the latest version. Older versions may not support the latest standards that TOTECS uses the obtain data from the Connector.